Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Diversium Unum"

The Paradox of this blog is that it is not consistent with the "nostalgia" which I first intended when I began. Coherency, however, is not typically my agenda. Conversely, I recognise that I must maintain "readability..."

Nonetheless, I march on with this motto: Unity in Diversity. Part of me is wistful and melancholy, and so I write poetic things from the deep past, I brood in misty corners of my mind, recalling and retelling. I slip into some "crusty" mood where I'd rather review beers and peruse ancient tomes, than to run free and embrace the movement of the world.

Today, however, I have been re-inspired. A certain stimulation of motion and art stir within my breast, and I seek the disciplines which (admittedly) I typically pursue with only half-resolved concern. My lethargy is an aggravation to me, I confess, and I am actively seeking provocative comments from any and all who would encourage me in these areas.

The areas of interest are:

Parkour (Freeflowing/Freerunning/Freeclimbing), Capoeira, Tao Te Ching, Universal Philosophy, Art (Martial), Symmetry, Poise, & Motion.

To fully apprehend and appreciate the quintessence of these concepts, I feel I must daily pursue them with a more dedicated enthusiasm than I have been previously wont to do. But, how?

How to get beyond the "laissez-faire" attitude, the lackadaisical, undisciplined state of my run-of-the-mill lassitude?

Advice please...


po said...

If you get any advice on overcoming your "lassitude" please inform me, as I suffer from the same disease.

Salty Badger said...

I feel you Po, I feel you.

Anonymous said...

The pursuit of consistency is part of the challenge, and overcoming this challenge is part of the reward, perhaps? I have faltered all too often with my own training.

I find that for myself, the most efficient way to maintain my own progress, is to document, conceptualize, and track progress. I try to set up weekly schedules of training, balancing the things I love (capoeira, parkour, and meditation). I use agendas and a whiteboard, which seemed silly to me at first, but have proven to be extremely effective.

Motivation is a bit like any material object, obeying laws of inertia. Putting the patterns into motion is the most difficult part.

Best of luck!